Envisioning is the Key to Getting Anything You Want
Paula Swope
Manifestation happens when our thoughts come together with our energy to create something. Since I started my spiritual journey 14 years ago, I have manifested numerous things, including: 

Network of successful people 
Ability to give to others in need 
Emotional intelligence 

Envisioning is the secret. Seeing what you want when you do not have it is the key to manifestation. My mentor, the man that changed my life, Wayne Dyer, said, “You’ll see it when you believe it.” If there is something you want, I am going to tell you how to get it using your mind. If you follow my lead, and do everything I tell you to do, you will learn how to envision for the purpose of manifesting. 

If you are willing to engage in the following practice every day, you can use envisioning to create your reality. 

Go to a quiet place where no one can disturb you. Make sure you have ample time. You do not want to rush through this. I suggest lying down, but the most important thing is to be comfortable. Once you are situated comfortably, give your mind a few minutes to rest. Take some deep breaths and relax as much as you possibly can. Close your eyes. Let those racing thoughts go. Relax. This is nothing more than daydreaming, so no need to put any pressure on yourself. If you have trouble getting settled, ask the Universe to help you focus. 

After you rest for 5 minutes or so, think about what you would like to have. Envision this thing for as long as it takes to get a clear picture of it. See yourself with it. Watch yourself, in your mind, in possession of this thing, until you feel excited about it. 

Here is a concrete example of how this works. 

Many years ago, I wanted independence so badly, but I had been manipulated and controlled by my father for so long that I believed I could not make it financially without his help. The car I drove belonged to him, and he threatened to take it away all the time. I stayed worried, because of his threats, which brought in anxiety and more negativity. During this time in my life, I was truly miserable, so when I learned about envisioning and manifesting, I thought, “Why the hell not?” 

When I first started envisioning, I laid in the floor of my closet, sometimes for 1-2 hours at a time, and I saw what independence looked like for me. Although I did not have two pennies to rub together, I envisioned myself owning my car. I saw myself handing Dad the keys to the car. In my visions, I handed the keys to him, thanked him for his hospitality, walked out of his office, and got into the car I owned and drove away. I saw myself happy and confident. 

At first, I did not believe what I was seeing. My ego would creep in and say, “You don’t have any money to buy a car. There’s no way you can make this happen.” I worked through those negative thoughts and kept my focus on what I wanted. After two weeks, I was getting excited during my envisioning sessions, and before I knew it the vision felt real. Despite the fact I was still driving the car he owned, and he was still holding it over my head, I was growing more confident by the moment. I even told my friends that I was giving him the car back without any idea about how this was going to happen. 

In my mind, I owned a car and I was free from his control. I could feel what independence felt like, and this is the key to manifesting anything. You feel it as though you already have it, and daily envisioning sessions will get you there. I used to joke and say, “I’m brainwashing myself.” 

After one month of focusing on independence, specifically the car, something happened. I received a letter in the mail from Dad’s secretary stating I had one week to turn the car in, or it would be seized. At first, I panicked. I threw a pity party and then I became livid. I felt like a victim, but that was my ego talking. 

The next day I learned I was owed $3,000 backpay from a contracted job I had the year before. The money literally fell out of the sky. When I got this call, my whole attitude changed, and I thought, “Oh my God. I can use this money as a down payment on a car!” Two days before I was supposed to turn Dad’s car into him, I received my $3,000 check. I deposited the check and went straight to a car dealership. I used the money as a down payment and they financed me.

The next day I took Dad’s car to him. In my visions, I handed him the keys, but when I arrived at his office that day, he was not there, so I handed the keys to his secretary and left a thank you note for him. I walked out of his office door and I drove away in my new car. I was so proud of myself. I was happy and I was confident, just as I envisioned. 

You will get the full story with more details in my book, but for now my goal is to share a concrete example of how the Universe reacts when you start envisioning what you want. 

If you participated in my first three exercises, you should have an idea of what you want to manifest. Each day envisioning yourself with that thing. Whatever it is, a piece of jewelry, a home, a relationship, career, whatever. See it. Feel it. Believe it. When you start to feel excited during your envisioning sessions, you are getting closer to manifesting this thing into physical form. 

AND…do not think about HOW anything will happen. Leave that piece of the work to the Universe. 

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