The 12 Spiritual Laws
Paula Swope

I recently wrapped up my third book, Say It IS So: Speak Your Best Life Into Existence. I am in love with this book because it teaches a nontraditional pathway to success. Most of us are programmed to believe that success can only be achieved through hard work and some luck along the way. This belief is not necessarily true, and there is no such thing as luck. Your success actually depends on how you think and how you speak about yourself to yourself and to others. 

We do not attract what we want, we attract what we are. The first time I heard this statement was from Dr. Wayne Dyer, and I didn’t understand what he meant. However, once I stumbled across the 12 Spiritual Laws and studied those, I was clear. At that moment, I stopped speaking negatively about myself to myself and to others. 

On January 24th, I am launching a “Say It IS So 30-Day Manifestation Challenge.” The goal of this Challenge is to learn to speak a new language that is designed to raise your quality of life. Using this strategy of speaking things into existence is a foolproof method to get what you want, but it isn’t magic. The inner work must be completed before you can become a master manifester. 

For me, understanding the 12 Spiritual Laws brought clarity to how this works. Speaking things into existence is conscious creation. To help you understand how and why this works to deliver a life beyond your wildest dreams, here is a brief overview of the 12 spiritual laws. Before you start reading, I need you to know that understanding the laws is a definite key to mastering life. Each law builds on the other, so try and develop a solid understanding of each law before you move on to the next. 

The Law of Divine Oneness 

We are all connected. Regardless of your beliefs about creation, we all came from the same source. Knowing this helped me to see others as equal, even the people I disliked. The Law of Divine Oneness teaches us empathy. The love we give comes back to us, but so does the hate. 

The Law of Vibration 

The frequency of our emotions is directly correlated with the Law of Vibration. Everything on this planet has a vibration, an energy field. Our words have massive power because of the energy they carry, and our words are highly linked to the Law of Attraction (LOA). Anything we want to manifest we can have; however, our energy and our vibration must match that of what we want. For instance, the feeling of doubt (low vibration) is a blocker to abundance. Until you release doubt and replace it with unwavering faith (high vibration) your desires stay in a holding place. 

The Law of Repeating Patterns and Correspondence 

Your life is the direct result of your patterns. Repeated behaviors create your world. Your patterns and your behaviors are your most dominant thoughts, and this law says our thoughts create our world. The fact our thoughts create our world goes back to the Law of Vibration, because like attracts like. 

The Law of Attraction 

Speaking of like attracts like, now here we are with my favorite spiritual law – LOA. We get what we want, but we also get what we don’t want. We are in control of that. Our thoughts are our magical power, but we must understand how this law works. If our vibrations are low, the quality of our life is low. Miraculously, however, we have the power to move out of those low vibrations by replacing them with high vibrations. Speaking about things you want and saying positive affirmations will get you there. If your world is dominated by high vibrations, your life will be absolutely fabulous. LOA lets you decide what your world looks like. 

The Law of Inspired Action 

Speaking things into existence is an example of the Law of Inspired Action. We can’t just think our way into magnificence. We must take action towards our goals, and this is where speaking and thinking positively helps us greatly. Speaking and thinking positively results in changed behaviors, which creates new patterns. New patterns lead to tangible and intangible manifestations. A great example of how this works is what happens when we stop negative self-talk and replace it with positive, loving self-talk. When we love ourselves, everything changes. Our experiences change because the people around us change. Opportunities flow in abundance because we become deserving and open to receive when we love ourselves. All of the spiritual laws are interconnected. See, when we start to think and feel this way versus hating and criticizing ourselves, we get the Universe’s attention. LOA opens its doors and starts matching our vibration. That’s when our manifestations come to fruition. 

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy 

Feeling good and having is so important in all aspects of life, but it’s especially critical when you’re manifesting. That’s what the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is all about. Using this law is conscious creation, because you consistently (patterns) engage in activities and behaviors that lift your energy levels. Feeling good is imperative when you summon LOA to work for you. Keep in mind it’s all about your energy! 

The Law of Cause and Effect 

This one is a basic rule in life, in my opinion. Everything about you and how you treat it determines what your relationships and surroundings look like, hence the name of the law – cause and effect. Water a plant and it thrives. Deprive it of water and it dies. Same exact concept with self-care and how we treat the people we love. Your actions determine another person’s reaction. If I do not treat my husband with respect and love, he will react in a negative way. I choose to love and respect him, so he will stay by my side. View this mindset as filling up your positive karma bank. 

The Law of Compensation 

Ever heard someone say, “Pay it forward?” The Law of Compensation guarantees we will get paid if we are open to creative possibilities, and the Universe has tons of those. Anyone we tip graciously and generously comes back to us. Any work we do we get paid for if that is what we want. Don’t box yourself in. Your compensation does not have to come from a 9 to 5 job. Open your mind and heart to all creative opportunities and you will see the abundance flow. Tip generously, as well, and give money and time to people without them asking for it. 

The Law of Relativity and Perspective 

The way we view the world and the way we view people is our perspectives. There is great power in perspective because our perspectives are different. The Law of Relativity and Perspective can teach us empathy, because according to this law no one is completely good or completely bad. Once I became spiritually woke, I was able to view the worst people on earth in a different way. Take a serial killer, for example. Serial killers are horrific and none of us want to associate with a serial killer. Am I right? But think about the serial killer’s mother. Think about their kids (if they have any). My guess is their blood relatives have a much different perspective about who they are. 

We all view our lives from a certain perspective. For instance, have you ever noticed someone who lays in a tanning bed too much? Their skin color becomes too dark and often has an orange tint. We see that, but they don’t. What this law taught me is to think twice before coming to a conclusion about someone. It has also taught me to be grateful. When I can view circumstances from several logical perspectives, it brings great clarity to who I really am and what my life really feels like. Instead of viewing a person’s perceived power from a jealous perspective, investigate it more. Is the person using their power to do good? If so, they are meant to have that power and they deserve it. This law is an exercise in critical thinking. 

The Law of Polarity 

One of the first lessons I learned when I started practicing the concept of living on purpose was the power in determining exactly what I wanted. To do that, I had to think about what the opposite of that was. The Law of Polarity is about specificity. Be specific about what you want, and this specificity often derives from the mistakes we make. Learn from your mistakes and use those experiences to bring about your highest good. Before you know it, you will be operating in a way that is the exact opposite of what you don’t want to bring about. For instance, if you fell madly in love with someone not capable of monogamy you learned the characteristics of this type of partner. Learn how to spot this personality and do not even entertain the thought of attracting another person like this in. Go for the opposite. That’s the Law of Polarity in practice. 

The Law of Rhythm 

No matter how bad or how good something is nothing lasts for eternity, except our souls. There is a time limit on everything, good and bad. If you’re going through a tough time know that it will not last. Some of our greatest lessons are earned during those tough times and they do make us stronger and wiser. Same concept applies to the good times. Embrace it all. Learn from it and keep growing stronger. View your life from the perspective of how the seasons change. We start the year out in winter and then we move into the spring on into the summer and then the fall. Everything changes from season to season. Fashion changes. Temperature changes. Behaviors change. Food and drinks change. This is the Law of Rhythm. Everything is associated with a timeframe, and nothing is ever concrete. 

The Law of Giving and Receiving

Each of us have a feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) side. Yin and yang have different energies, and each one needs to be balanced. Same goes for giving and receiving. You can’t give, give, give, and never receive and you also can’t receive, receive, receive, and never give. In Deepak Chopra’s masterpiece,
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, he so eloquently explains “the universe operates through dynamic exchange.” What this means is everything must keep circulating. Hoarding money is not the way to go. Pay attention to what Deepak says here: 

Because your body and your mind and the universe are in constant and dynamic exchange, stopping the circulation of energy is like stopping the flow of blood. Whenever blood stops flowing, it begins to clot, to coagulate, to stagnate. That is why you must give and receive in order to keep wealth and affluence – or anything you want in life – circulating in your life.

It is an absolute fact the more you give the more you receive. I have lived this, and I know it to be true. This is how we keep the abundance of the universe flowing in our lives. Give the big tip. Donate the goods. Keep the wealth circulating (give) and it will come back to you tenfold (receive). We are all connected. When the opportunity arises to help a fellow human being, do not turn your back on it. Remember what this law guarantees and how energy must be circulating. 

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